
Support Our Work

With visionary donors as our partners, the Climate and Life Initiative will remain at the forefront of efforts that address the monumental and existential climate challenges ahead.

The need for actionable climate science has never been greater. Our unique model is extremely successful, and our investments are securing new funding in times of diminishing federal support.

Our work is devoted to:

  • Accelerating Discovery: We mobilize philanthropic support to advance research, drive discovery, and engage stakeholders and business leaders. This work is led by the 14 scientists in our Fellows Program, our flagship initiative that supports transformative research by 120 Columbia University climate, ocean, and life scientists.
  • Multiplying Investments: We’ve invested $4 million in new research since our founding in 2016. The resulting discoveries have attracted $32.5 million in new federal and private research funding—a seven-fold return on investment.
  • Understanding Climate Risk: We further research that increases understanding of the physical, economic, and societal risks associated with climate change. We help decision-makers use this knowledge to mitigate risk, find opportunities, and build climate resilience.
  • Focusing on Solutions: Our partnerships with the private sector provide vital funding for climate research. They enable our scientists to share their new knowledge with stakeholders in industry, finance, and all levels of government.

Our initiatives are made possible by the generous support of our donors. In these challenging times, we must continue expanding our work if we are to understand risk, make decisions, and protect ourselves before the storm is upon us. 

How to Support the Initiative

There are several ways to contribute to our work.

Corporate support: To learn more about how your company, institution, or association can support Climate and Life or become a partner, contact Stacey Vassallo

Online: Make your gift via the Columbia University fundraising website.

Mail a check: Make your check out to “Trustees of Columbia University” with “Lamont-Doherty, Climate and Life Initiative” in the memo line and mail it to the following address:

Development Office
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory
61 Route 9W, PO Box 1000
Palisades, NY 10964

Make a gift of securities or property: Contact the Lamont-Doherty Development Office for details. 

Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory is part of Columbia University and is a 501c(3) nonprofit organization. Gifts are tax-deductible in accordance with the law.